is a wayfarer on the body-mind continuum. His medium is music.


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Berlin-Montreal electroacoustic all-star quintet

(Musical) Improvisation and Ethics

4-year research project with Splitter Orchester, Trondheim Jazz Orchestra, and the klingt collective

The Venetian Coronacles

Videos from Venice with Thomas Martius

A Musik

Paper tool for playing or composing with people

Solo Program 2019

Contrabass and washtub bass

Reidemeister Move

Contrabass and microtonal tuba duo with Robin Hayward

On Perpetual (Musical) Peace?

Experiment in musical cohabitation

Das Ewige Aufwärmen

Exercises for cello, mind, and body

Ansage etc. for David Moss

Solo vocalist-performer and avatar chorus

Solo Contrabass - Various

Assorted recordings and repertoire

Bicycle Built for (x)

Kit for anyone anywhere with Jadi Carboni, after Halprin’s RSVP Cycles

Groundwave Rondo (Magnetic Traveling)

Electromagnetic train voyage with Christina Kubisch

A Treatise Remix

Radio feature after Cardew


Monthly concert series in Berlin

Seeing the Full Sounding

Documentary film after Malcolm Goldstein

The Hispaniolette

Radio short after Treasure Island

What Hole Is This

Coffee ritual for Maulwerker

Berlin Quelque Part

Playing in a field with Ouïe/Dire and Chris Heenan

Arcanum 17

Reidemeister Move in MorrowSound, after Breton

Certain Sundays

Experimental music and sound salon

Diferencias Familiares Sobre Las Cuerdas

Solo steel-string acoustic guitar and electronics

Apples Are Basic

Viola and Contrabass, after Corita

. Composing with (Improvising) People: A Paramanifesto. Wien Modern 35 Festivalkatalog. Essays, 2022.

. Mapping Participation: Lawrence Halprin’s RSVP Cycles meets Richard Barrett’s fOKT. Contemporary Music Review, 2021.


. Encounter between Christopher Williams and Jean-Charles François. PaaLabRes, 2021.


. Lessons from the Sandbox: Linking Readership, Representation and Reflection in Tactile Paths. The Digital Dissertation: History, Theory, Practice, edited by Virginia Kuhn and Anke Finger, 2021.


. Marketing sonic thinking with creative visualization: getting decision-makers to listen. Cities & Health, 2019.


Christopher A. Williams (1981, San Diego) makes and researches (mostly) experimental music. He is a coordinator and researcher in the project (Musical) Improvisation and Ethics (Austrian Science Fund ZK 93) at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.

As a composer and contrabassist, his work runs the gamut from chamber music, improvisation, and radio art to collaborations with dancers, sound artists, and visual artists. Performances and collaborations with Derek Bailey, Compagnie Ouie/Dire, Charles Curtis, LaMonte Young’s Theatre of Eternal Music, Ferran Fages, Robin Hayward (as Reidemeister Move), Barbara Held, Christian Kesten, Christina Kubisch, Liminar, Maulwerker, Charlie Morrow, David Moss, Andrea Neumann, Mary Oliver and Rozemarie Heggen, Ben Patterson, Robyn Schulkowsky, Splitter Orchester, Ensemble SuperMusique, Trondheim Jazz Orchestra, Vocal Constructivists, dancers Jadi Carboni and Martin Sonderkamp, filmmaker Zachary Kerschberg, and painters Sebastian Dacey and Tanja Smit. This work has appeared in various North American and European experimental music circuits, as well as on VPRO Radio 6 (Holland), Deutschlandfunk Kultur, the Museum of Contemporary Art Barcelona, Volksbühne Berlin, and the American Documentary Film Festival.

Williams’ artistic research takes the form of both conventional academic publications and practice-based multimedia projects. His writings appear in journals such as the Journal for Artistic Research, Critical Studies in Improvisation, TEMPO, Contemporary Music Review, Journal of Sonic Studies, Open Space Magazine, and diverse anthologies. Williams has received scholarships, grants, and prizes from the University of California, the Darmstadt Summer Courses, the Arts Council of Catalunya, Goethe Institut, Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin, Festival Acanthes, and the American Documentary Film Festival.

He co-curated the Berlin concert series KONTRAKLANG from 2015-2020. From 2009-2015 he co-curated the salon series Certain Sundays.

Williams holds a B.A. from the University of California San Diego (Charles Curtis, Chaya Czernowin, and Bertram Turetzky); and a Ph.D. from the University of Leiden (Marcel Cobussen and Richard Barrett). His native digital dissertation is Tactile Paths: on and through Notation for Improvisers.

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